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In der Allgemeinbevölkerung bestehen große Unterschiede in den Serumspiegeln von Lipidparametern (z. B. Apolipoproteine und Cholesterin), die zu einem großen Teil durch vererbbare Faktoren bestimmt werden und mit dem Risiko kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen in Verbindung stehen.
Wenn die Glukosevorräte niedrig sind, kann der Körper auf Lipide als alternative Energiequelle zurückgreifen. Lipide werden in der Regel als Triglyceride gespeichert. Der erste Schritt im Lipidstoffwechsel ist die Umwandlung in Glycerin und Fettsäuren.

Fettstoffwechsel |
Rootcause | Unter Fettstoffwechsel (oder Lipidstoffwechsel) wird zum einen die Zerlegung von Nahrungsfetten im Verdauungstrakt mitsamt dem Transport zu den Körperzellen sowie zum anderen die Verwertung von Fetten im Stoffwechsel der Körperzellen selbst verstanden. |
Therapeutic approach | …. |
Key micronutrients | Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B1,B2, B3, B5, B6,B12, Folsäure, Biotin, l-Carnitin, Betain |
Studies conducted by the Dr. Rath Research insitute |
Natürlicher Ansatz funktioniert
I am a 69-year-old woman employed full-time in a position that requires close attention to detail and considerable adjustment to time constraints. At the beginning of last year, during my annual physical examina-tion, my physician stated that I had developed glucose intoler-ance and that the ultimate result would be diabetes unless I immediately began countermeasures.…
1. Stage I – Early Stage (appears 3-30 days after tick bite)
- Skin lesion at the injection site, followed by redness of the surrounding skin area. In many cases this redness begins to migrate over the body surface. This is known as the red rash (erythema migrans). Some infected people suffer from this rash in several different sites of the body.
- Flu-like symptoms: Symptoms include fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, swollen lymph nodes, and
nausea. It is important to note that these symptoms may vanish without treatment.
2. Stage II – Early disseminated Stage (appears days to weeks after tick bite) rashes appearing in other places on the body
fatigue, nausea, diarrhea depression, anxiety, mood swings
- cognitive impairment, light/sound sensitivity
- severe headaches and/or neck stiffness due to meningitis
- pain and swelling in the large joints (ankle, wrist, elbow, knee, hip and shoulder joint)
- shooting pains with or without sleep disturbance
- facial palsy with loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of the face
- heart palpitations and dizziness due to changes in heartbeat
3. Stage III – Bacteria occupying certain Organs (appears months to years after tick bite)
- Neurological complications: Up to 5% of patients with untreated Lyme disease develop neurological symptoms such as shooting pains, weakness or itching/tingling in the hands and/or feet, impaired short-term memory, muscle impairment, and severe fatigue. Also, heart problems (an irregular heartbeat), and inflammation of the eyes and liver (hepatitis) can appear.
- Arthritis: About 60% of patients with untreated Lyme disease develop arthritis (severe joint pain with swelling), usually in the knees, although pain can move from one joint to another. Note: arthritis manifests differently than arthralgia (pain, but not swelling).
4. Stage IV – Chronic Stage
- muscle pains
- joint pains
- cognitive defects
- neuralgia
- sleep disturbance
- fatigue
The causative pathogen of Lyme disease is a bacterium of genus borrelia, which belongs to the spirochetes family. Spirochetes are spindle-shaped, actively moving bacteria. There are several dozen subspecies of borrelia. About a dozen of them can trigger Lyme disease in humans. Lyme disease is manifested as an inflammatory disease that can affect many organs in the body. In its early (localized) stage it affects mainly the skin. In later stages the inflammation spreads to the joints, nervous system and also to the heart, muscles or other organs. Since conventional therapies with antibiotics do not usually destroy.
all pathogens and, in the late stages of the disease, have only a limited effect, Lyme disease can develop or flare up, although the patient initially shows no symptoms.
The borrelia bacteria can occur in our body in three forms, which basically reflect the stages of the disease. These include:
1. The Nymphal Stage. At this stage after an infection the borrelia bacteria are in their original form, the spindle-shaped spirochete.
2. The Rounded-Form Stage. At this stage the filamentous bacteria structures have contracted to a spherical shape. This is a kind of “protective mechanism” for bacteria, which particularly occurs when antibiotics are administered.
3. The Biofilm Stage. At this stage the borrelia bacteria have built their own “nest”. This nest is called biofilm and represents a deposit of bacterial colonies, nestled between connective tissue molecules. Biofilms embedded in muscle or joint structures occur particularly frequently, but can also affect any other organ. In this way, borrelia bacteria can survive years or even decades in the human body.
This distinction is of practical importance: Antibiotic treatment shows a significant effect only in the first stage (nymphal stage). In subsequent stages, antibiotics have limited or no effect at all. Therefore, the search for new ways to be able
to effectively inhibit Lyme disease, at even advanced stages, was especially important. Recent research has shown that certain micronutrients – i.e. natural substances – are able to control even advanced stages of Lyme disease.
Am Dr. Rath Forschungsinstitut wurden natürliche Ansätze zur Bekämpfung der Fettstoffwechsel erforscht. Vitamin C, Schutz und natürliche Heilung der Arterienwand, Normalisierung erhöhter Cholesterinproduktion und anderer Risikofaktoren in der Leber; Vitamin E Oxidationsschutz von Blutfetten und Zellen; B1,B2 Optimierung des Zellstoffwechsels, insbesondere zur Bereitstellung von Bioenergie; B3 Senkung erhöhter Produktion von Cholesterin und Lipoprotein in der Leber; B5 optimiert Abbau von Fetten im Zellstoffwechsel; B6,B12, Folsäure,beschleunigt Abbau des Risikofaktors Homocystein; Biotin, l-Carnitin, Optimierung des Fettsäurestoffwechsels der Zellen, Senkung erhöhter Triglyceridspiegel;Betain Homocysteinabbau
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Forschungsinstitut Dr. Rath
Das Dr. Rath Research Institute beherbergt ein Labor auf pharmazeutischem Niveau, das mit modernen wissenschaftlichen Geräten ausgestattet ist. Es ist mit Weltklasse-Wissenschaftlern aus den Bereichen Medizin, Biochemie, Zellbiologie, Toxikologie und Ernährung besetzt.
Unter der Leitung von Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki betreibt das Wissenschaftlerteam innovative Forschung zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Gesundheit, indem es die wissenschaftlichen Durchbrüche von Dr. Rath anwendet und moderne Techniken und Forschungstechnologien einsetzt.

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